A delicious and easy way to enjoy a cheese ball. Serve with crackers and enjoy! You can cut this recipe in half to make a smaller version. You could substitute...
I love this salsa! It makes for a perfect summer appetizer. I particularly like that it has black beans for extra protein. When served over grilled chicken,...
This is my favorite salsa to go with summer grilling! Have served this for guests and family and everyone loves it! Serve with grilled chicken breast,...
This bean dip is sooooo good. It is easy to make and is always a hit. I make it for my Super Bowl party each year and it is always gone before half time!!...
This dip has all the best ingredients I've found from various other recipes and it's my favorite by far! Serve as a dip at a party or with sour cream and...
This is great for football gatherings when you want to serve something hearty and filling. It gets lots of compliments. Serve with bite-size pieces of...
These yummy cinnamon apple chips will disappear almost as quickly as you make them! They're perfect for healthy snacks and easy to take on the road. The...
I got this recipe from summer camp, and when I made them at home, my whole family was impressed. Layers of tortilla chips and salsa with the works on the...
My mother gave me this recipe, and told me never to share it, but I think everyone should enjoy it. This dip is definitely better if you make it one day...
The melted cheese and bacon make these irresistible! These mushrooms are simple and delicious! Add some of your diced favorites! Omit bacon for vegetarian...
Sausage balls are an entertaining standby for me, but they were always admittedly a little dry - until I tried adding cream cheese, and better balls were...
Easy, foolproof cooking technique. The Old Bay® seasoning accentuates the shrimp rather than overpowers. A versatile dish that can fill many roles! Serve...
A vegetarian version of mini sausage rolls but made with a spinach and feta filling. I used frozen spinach because it was a better buy than fresh at the...
Think jalapeno poppers but healthier and you control the heat. I wanted to keep it light and vegetarian but feel free to add crumbled cooked turkey bacon...
A great way to use all those cucumbers you get from your plants! A little zing from the jalapeno and a burst of lime add a fresh taste to cucumbers in...
These eggs are actually also stuffed with crab, not just topped with crab. They are extremely easy to make. This recipe includes my famous 17-minute egg-cooking...
This spectacularly simple green sauce may be the perfect summer condiment. It requires no cooking, only takes 10 to 15 minutes to make, looks gorgeous,...
This is the ultimate garlic chicken liver recipe. Simple, quick, minimal ingredients, and low in carbs! The lemon, garlic, and liver flavors blend together...
This delicious and easy to prepare recipe is sure to be a big hit! Hearty enough for a meal. The key is the meat filling -- it also makes a great filling...
Deep-fried tofu that is crisp and golden brown on the outside and amazingly white and soft on the inside! Serve with your favorite Asian dish or dipping...
This chunky, smoky salsa tastes amazing with tortilla chips. Roasted tomatoes, garlic, onion and jalapeno are blended with cilantro and cumin to create...
Here is my recipe for the perfect sushi rice. You can eat this alone or roll into your favorite sushi roll with ingredients of choice. I use strips of...
These chicken wings are surprisingly delicious for how few ingredients are involved! I made them for the first time at a football party, and within 10...
These flavorful gizzards are always requested at football and holiday parties. I don't know if anyone would show up if I didn't make them. The extra time...